90+ Amazing Generative A.I. Prompts for ChatGPT & Bard: Productivity, Business, and Fun!

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Updated: 07/13/2023

Discover an Incredible Collection of Over 90 Productivity, Business, and Fun Generative AI Prompts for ChatGPT and Bard That You’ll Absolutely Love! 

Unlock your creativity with our extensive collection of 90+ generative AI prompts for ChatGPT and Bard. Boost productivity, explore business ideas, and have fun with these engaging prompts. Find the perfect inspiration you’ve been looking for. Continue reading to get started now!

Table Of Contents
  1. Best ChatGPT AI Prompts for “Website Copy”
  2. ChatGPT/Bard Generative AI Prompts for “Blog Content”
  3. Generative AI Prompts for “Social Media Content”
  4. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Email”
  5. Bard/ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Fun”
  6. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Career”
  7. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Case Study”
  8. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Video”
  9. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Improve Content”
  10. A.I. Prompts for “Marketing”
  11. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Social Media”
  12. ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Miscellaneous AI Prompts”
  13. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Best ChatGPT AI Prompts for “Website Copy”

#1 A.I. Prompt: About Us Copy

  • Tell your brand’s story in a way that captivates customers and builds trust.
  • This should be informative, engaging, and authentic.

Write an About Us Copy

Company: [Your company’s name

Purpose: [Your company’s purpose]

Brand’s personality and values: [Short description of the brand’s personality and values]

Company History:[Company’s history, including how and when it was founded.], [Major milestones and achievements].

Our Team: [Key players on the team and their roles within the company.], [Their expertise and experience in the industry.], [Their personality and values that align with the company’s.].

Our Approach/Methodology: [The company’s approach or methodology for delivering products or services.], [Unique processes or philosophies that set the company apart from others.].

Our Vision/Mission: [The company’s vision and mission.], [The company plans to achieve its goals and make a difference in the industry or community.].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#2 A.I. Prompt: Sales Landing Page

  • Create a landing page that is designed to boost your website’s traffic and capture leads.
  • This should include a clear and concise message, a strong call to action, and persuasive copy.

Write a Sales Landing Page

Company: [Company’s name]

Product: [a brief overview of your product/service and what it does.], [Main features and benefits

Key benefit: [the key benefit of your product/service.].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

ChatGPT/Bard Generative AI Prompts for “Blog Content”

#3 Prompt: Blog Intro

Prompt: Blog Introduction

  • Start your blog post with a compelling introduction that will hook your readers and make them want to read more.
  • This should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing.

Write a blog intro for a post about [topic].

Title: [Title of your blog post].

Subject: [Brief description of the topic].

Keywords: [keyword 1], [keyword 2], [keyword 3].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?]. (optional)

#4 Prompt: Blog Outline

Blog Outline

  • Create a blog outline before you start writing to help you stay on track and ensure that your post is well-organized.
  • This will also help you to identify the key points that you want to make in your post.

Write an outline for a blog post about [topic].

Main points:  

– [Main point 1] (optional)

– [Main point 2] (optional)

– [Main point 3] (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#5 Prompt: Blog Section

Prompt: Blog Section

  • Create a complete blog section in a matter of minutes by using this tool.
  • This will save you time and effort, and it will help you to keep your blog organized.

Write a section for a blog post about [topic].

Main points of this section: [the key idea of the section].

Subpoint or supporting detail: (optional) [Subpoint or supporting detail 1], [Subpoint or supporting detail 2], [Subpoint or supporting detail 3] (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#6 Prompt: Blog’s Meta Description

Write Blog’s Meta Description

  • Write a compelling meta description for your blog post to increase the chances of people clicking on your link in search results.
  • This description should be short, clear, and attention-grabbing.

Generate a conclusion for my blog.

Topic: [What is the blog about?] 

Key Takeaway: [What do you want to remind your readers?] 

Keyword: [what is the keyword you are targeting?]

Call to action: [What do you want readers to do after this blog?] 

Here is the rest of the blog: [Paste the rest of your blog here] (optional).

#7 Prompt: Blog Conclusion

Prompt: Blog Conclusion

  • End your blog post with a powerful conclusion that will leave your readers wanting more.
  • This should summarize the key points of your post and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Generate a conclusion for my blog.

Topic: [What is the blog about?] 

Key Takeaway: [What do you want to remind your readers?] 

Keyword: [what is the keyword you are targeting?]

Call to action: [What do you want readers to do after this blog?] 

Here is the rest of the blog: [Paste the rest of your blog here] (optional).

#8 Prompt: Blog Title

Prompt: Blog Title

  • Write an attention-grabbing title for your blog post that will make people want to click on it.
  • This title should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content of your post.

I need ideas for my blog title.

Topic: [What is the blog about?]

Give me [insert a number] versions.

Generative AI Prompts for “Social Media Content”

#9 Prompt: Promotion Page

Promote your special offerings on social media to spread the word and make your brand shine.

Write a social media post about a [sale/promotion/discount] for


Company’s name: Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

The promotion: [Details of the sale/promotion/discount].

Benefits: [Benefits to the customer].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

Hashtags: [Hashtags] (optional).

#10 ChatGPT AI Prompt : Bio

Bio Prompt: Share a short bio to introduce your brand and capture your audience’s attention.

Write a Social Media Bio.

[Your Name] is a [profession/interest]. Passionate about [passion/interest].

Brand Description: Focused on [brand focus]. 

Brand personality trait: [Brand personality trait 1], [brand personality trait 2], and [brand personality trait 3] (optional).

Social Media platform:[social media platform].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#11 ChatGPT AI Prompt: Tips for Sharing

Share tips and knowledge to become an expert in your industry and elevate your brand.

Write a Social Media post for sharing tips.

The topic: [Topic].

Company’s name: Company/brand name]

Industry: [Industry] (optional)

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

Provide context and background information: [Purpose, benefit,…].

The tips and knowledge:

1. [Tip or piece of knowledge].

2. [Tip or piece of knowledge].

3. [Tip or piece of knowledge].

Add additional tips or knowledge if needed

Hashtags: [Hashtags]

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#12 ChatGPT AI Prompt: Holiday and Seasonal Posts

Create seasonal/holiday posts to grab your customers’ attention and celebrate upcoming holidays and special events.

Write a seasonal/holiday social media post:

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

The holiday or season: [Include the name of the holiday or season and a relevant quote, headline, or tagline that sets the tone].

How the season related to your brand: [Show how it relates to your brand or personal life] (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#13 ChatGPT AI Prompt: Showcase Customers and/or Testimonials

Showcase customer testimonials to put your customers in the spotlight and show off their love for your brand.

Write a social media post to showcase a customer or testimonial

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

The customer or testimonial: [Include the name of the customer or testimonial provider and any relevant information about them, such as their occupation, location, or why they are noteworthy].

The customer’s experience: [The customer’s experience with your brand] (Describe the customer’s experience with your brand, including how they used your product or service and what they liked about it. Use direct quotes or paraphrased statements to showcase their perspective).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#14 ChatGPT AI Prompt: “Recap of an Event”

Share event recaps to connect with your existing customers and prospects and share captivating stories from your events.

Write a social post to recap an event: 

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

The event: [Include the name of the event, date, location, and any relevant information about what it was about].

Key moments: [Key moments] (Describe the key moments from the event, including any notable speakers, performances, or demonstrations. Use direct quotes or paraphrased statements to showcase the highlights).

Feelings: [Your/People’s thoughts about the event] (Share your/people’s thoughts and reflections about the event, including what you learned, what you enjoyed, and what you thought was impactful).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#15 ChatGPT AI Prompt: “Highlight Product Or Service Benefit”

Highlight product or service benefits to unveil the ways your business can meet customers’ needs and support them.

Write a social media post to highlight product or service benefit:

Company’s name: Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

The product or service I want to highlight: [Include the name of the product or service and a brief description of what it is].

Specific benefit: [Describe one key benefit of the product or service, using concrete examples and statistics if possible]. 

Explain how it solves a problem: [Explain how this benefit solves a specific problem for the target audience](optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#16 ChatGPT AI Prompt Prompt: “Build Anticipation and/or Launch New Product”

Spark anticipation for new products by creating a post that sets the stage for an upcoming event or product launch.

Write a social media post to Build Anticipation / Launch New Product

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

My industry: [Industry] (optional).

Social media: [Social media platform].

The new product: [Include the name of the new product and a brief description of what it is].

Product Description: [Unique features and benefits, and why the target audience will love it].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#17 Prompt: “Share A Secret”

Share exclusive tips and tidbits to unlock customer excitement and build anticipation for new products or events.

Write a social media post to share a secret: 

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

The tip or recipe:[Describe the tip or recipe].

Get into the details: [Include all the necessary details, such as ingredients, instructions, or tips].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#18 A.I. Prompt: Contest Or Giveaway Promotion

Run contests or giveaways to captivate customers and entice them to participate.

Write a social media post to announce a contest or giveaway promotion: 

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

Announce the contest or giveaway: [What’s the giveaway about?], [How to enter], [Deadlines], etc.

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#19 A.I. Prompt: Event Promotion

Promote your events with sizzling posts that spark excitement and drive attendance.

Write a social media post for an event promotion

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What I provide:[Product/services].

Social media: [Social media platform].

Announce the event: [including the name, date, and location].

  • Name of the event: [Name].
  • Date of the event: [Date].
  • Event’s location: [location].

Details about the event: 

  • Event’s purpose: [purpose 1, purpose 2, purpose 3].
  • Event’s highlight: [Special guest, giveaways, games,…].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#20 ChatGPT AI Prompt: Social Media Ad Title

Write catchy social media ad titles to grab the attention of your target audience.

Write an ad title.

Platform: [Which social media platform is the ad for?].

Product/Service: [What is the product or service being advertised?].

Target audience: [Who is the target audience for the ad?].

Goal: [What is the main goal of the ad?].

Length limit: [Enter the desired length of the title in characters or words, depending on the platform].

#21 ChatGPT AI Prompt: Social Media Ad Text

Craft compelling social media ad text to drive traffic to your website or landing page.

Write the text for a social media ad to promote a product or service.

Platform: [Which social media platform is the ad for?].

Product/Service: [What is the product or service being advertised?].

Target audience: [Who is the target audience for the ad?].

Goal: [What is the main goal of the ad?].

Call to action: [What do you want your audience to do after seeing the ad?].

Length limit: [Enter the desired length of the ad text in characters or words, depending on the platform].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want].

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Email”

#22 ChatGPT AI Prompt: Welcome / Confirmation Email

Welcome or confirmation email: Welcome new customers or subscribers with a friendly email.

Write a Welcome/confirmation email

Name: [Your name, position]

Company: [Your company’s name] 

Confirm the details: [Include confirmation of the details of the interaction or transaction the recipient has had with your company, such as a purchase or subscription]. 

Provide next steps: [Include any necessary information or instructions for the recipient on what they should do next, such as setting up an account or accessing their purchase]. 

Offer assistance: [Let the recipient know that you are available to assist with any questions or concerns they may have, and provide your contact information]. 

A friendly closing

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#23 Coupon / Discount Email Prompt

Coupon or discount email: Offer discounts or coupons to attract new customers or encourage existing customers to buy more.

Write a Coupon / Discount Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

The promotion: [Brief description of the promotion]. 

Provide details of the promotion: [Include all relevant details of the promotion, such as the discount amount, expiration date, and any terms and conditions]. 

The benefit: [Explain why the recipient should take advantage of this promotion and what makes it unique or valuable].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#24 Recurring Email Newsletter Prompt

Recurring email newsletter: Send regular newsletters to keep customers informed about your latest products, services, and promotions.

Write a Recurring Email Newsletter

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

Information about the recipient: [name, job, industry,..].

Purpose: [what you want to include].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#25 Testimonial Email Prompt

Testimonial email prompt: Share success stories from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility.

Write a Testimonial Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

The customer or testimonial: [Include the name of the customer or testimonial provider and any relevant information about them, such as their occupation, location, or why they are noteworthy].

The customer’s experience: [The customer’s experience with your brand] (Describe the customer’s experience with your brand, including how they used your product or service and what they liked about it. Use direct quotes or paraphrased statements to showcase their perspective).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#26 Event Promotion Email

Event promotion email: Promote your events to generate excitement and drive attendance.

Write an Event Promotion Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name] 

Announce the event: [including the name, date, and location].

– Name of the event: [Name].

– Date of the event: [Date].

– Event’s location: [location].

Details about the event: 

– Event’s purpose: [purpose 1, purpose 2, purpose 3]

– Event’s highlight: [Special guest, giveaways, games,…]


Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#27 Cold Outreach Email

Cold outreach email: Reach out to potential customers who haven’t yet interacted with your business.

Write a Cold Outreach Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

Pain point, opportunity: [Demonstrate how you can help solve their problem or take advantage of the opportunity.] (optional)

Value Proposition: [the value of your product, service, testimonial, ….] 

Credibility: [evidence, proof,… about the effectiveness of your company’s work] (optional)

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#28 Event Recap Email

Event recap email: Send a thoughtful and informative email to wrap up your event and thank attendees.

Write an Event Recap Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

The events: [name and date, a short description of what the event was about].

Key takeaways: [important insights or memorable moments].

Feedback from attendees: [their thoughts on the event or what they enjoyed most, direct quote,..].

Closing thoughts: [your gratitude for the attendees or your excitement for the next event,…].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#29 Build Anticipation / Launch New Product Email

New product or service launch email: Build anticipation for your new product or service launch with an exciting email.

Write a Build Anticipation / Launch New Product Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

Product Features and Benefits: [the product’s key features and benefits. Highlight the problem the new product solves and the benefits it offers.].

Customer Value Proposition: [how the product will add value to the customer’s life or business.]. (optional)

Launch Date and Availability: [date, and how customer can buy the product].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#30 Contest / Giveaway Email

Contest or giveaway email: Run a contest or giveaway to generate buzz and attract new customers.

Write a Contest / Giveaway Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

The contest/giveaway: [detail about what the contest/giveaway entails.].

How to enter: [steps participants need to take to enter].

Eligibility and conditions: [eligibility criteria].

Why this contest/giveaway is a great opportunity: [benefits of the contest/giveaway] (optional)

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).


#31 Seasonal / Holiday Email

Seasonal or holiday email: Get customers excited about the upcoming holiday or event with a special email.

Write a Seasonal / Holiday Email

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

The holiday: [What the holiday is about and how it relates to your company].

Your product/services: [What you/your company provide] (Highlight the benefits and special features of your product or service, and how they can make the holiday season more enjoyable).

Seasonal/Holiday Offer: [discount, promotion, free gifts,..].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#32 Prompt: Email Newsletter

Email newsletter A.I. prompt: Keep customers informed about your latest products, services, and promotions with a regular email newsletter.

Write an Email newsletter

Name: [Your name, position].

Company: [Your company’s name].

News and updates: [industry news, upcoming events, and any other relevant news.].

Featured content: [blog post, product, or service], [how that can help your customers].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#33 ECommerce Abandoned Cart Emails

E-commerce abandoned cart emails: Recover lost sales by sending reminder emails to customers who have abandoned their carts.

Write an email to remind customers about their abandoned carts.

Product: [What product or products were abandoned in the cart?].

Reminder: [What is the main message of the email reminder?]. (optional)

Incentive: [Is there any incentive to encourage the customer to complete the purchase? If so, what is it?]. (optional)

CTA: [What is the call-to-action to get the customer to complete the purchase?]. (optional)

Length Limit: [Enter the desired length of the email in words]. (optional)

Writing Style and Tone: [Choose from a list of writing styles and tones]. (optional)

#34 Interview Invitation Letter

Interview invitation letter: Send a professional and informative letter to invite candidates to interview for a job opening.

I need an interview invitation email for the following details

Name of the candidate: [Name]

Position interviewed: [Position]

Company: [Your company’s name] 

Company address: [Your Company address]

Interview method: [Insert the method of interview: Direct, Online, etc]

Interviewer: [Name of the Interviewer – Current position]

Notes: [Things that the interviewee needs to bring before coming to the interview or something they need to bear in mind, etc]

Time the interviewee needs to confirm the invitation: [Insert the time]

Offer assistance: [Let the recipient know that you are available to assist with any questions or concerns they may have, and provide your contact information]. 

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

A friendly closing

#35 Prompt: Job Offer Email

Job offer email: Send a formal email to offer a job to a candidate.

Write a job offer email to my potential candidate

Candidate name: [Name of your best candidate]

Job Position: [Name of the role] at [Company’s name]

Start date: [Insert the date that the candidate will start working]

Place: [Company address for the role]

Probationary Period: [Insert the period of time]

Salary and benefits of the job position: [Insert the salary amount and the benefits your candidate will receive]

Related info: [Additional information about the policies of the company/organization]

Offer assistance: [Let the recipient know that you are available to assist with any questions or concerns they may have, and provide your contact information]. 

A warm welcome 

#36 Resignation Email

Resignation email: Send a professional email to resign from your job.

Compose a brief resignation letter to my employer.

Give me a clear subject line. 

My current position: [Insert your job title] 

My employer’s name: [Insert the name of your employer] 

My company: [Insert your company’s name] 

My date of resignation: [When will be your last day in this role?] 

And leave a thank you to my employer.

Bard/ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Fun”

#37 Motivational Quote

You have the power to inspire others with your words. Write a motivational quote that will light up your audience’s day.

Write a Motivational Quote

Write a quote to [Purpose(inspire/motivate/encourage)] the reader.

Keywords/Phrases: [Any relevant keywords or phrases].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#38 Song Lyrics

Let your creativity flow and write song lyrics that express your unique style. Share your music with the world and connect with others on a deeper level.

Write Song Lyrics

Song genre: [genre of the song (such as pop, rock, hip-hop)].

Mood and tone: [mood and tone (happy, romantic, melancholic, etc.)].

Theme: [center theme or key message].

Song structure: [Structure outline. For example Intro-Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Chorus-Outro]. (optional)

Lyrics: [Specify what you want to appear in the songs (Consider including rhyming patterns, wordplay, and poetic devices, or just a brief description of the song like a song to encourage people going through tough times).].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#39 Short Story

Spark your imagination and create a short story that will captivate your readers. Let your storytelling prowess run wild and transport your readers to another world.

Write a Short Story

Purpose of the story: [Purpose 1], [Purpose 2],…

Setting: [Description of the time and place where the story takes place].

Characters: [Introduction of the main characters and their personalities].

Conflict: [Description of the conflict that the characters face].

Plot: [Outline of the events that take place in the story, including any twists and turns].

Resolution: [Resolution to the conflict and explanation of how the characters are affected].

Theme: [Theme of the story, if there is one].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#40 Dating Profile

Give yourself the best chance at finding love by creating a dating profile that reflects your personality and interests. Be yourself and let your true colors shine through.

Write a Dating Profile

Name: [Your name/nickname].

Catchy headline:[what you want to appear in the headline] (optional).

Lifestyle: [Hobbies, Interests, personality, characteristics,….].

Ideal match: [what you are looking for: characteristics, hobbies,…] also keep an open mind to new experiences and opportunities. (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

#41 Wedding Vows

Unlock your heart and find the perfect words to express your love for your future spouse. Make your vows a personal and meaningful declaration of your love.

Write Wedding Vows

Special memories: [Special memories of you and your partner].

Hopes and aspirations: [Your hopes and aspirations for the future, both as a couple and individually, what you look forward to experiencing together in the coming years.].

Promise to support and cherish: [specific ways in which you will show love and support to your partner.].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

#42 Love Letter

Show someone special how much you care with a heartfelt love letter. Let them know how much they mean to you and why you love them.

Write a love letter.

Recipient: [Who is the letter addressed to?].

Relationship: [What is your relationship to the recipient?].

Emotions: [What emotions do you want to convey? E.g. love, admiration, appreciation, etc.].

Memories: [Share a few special memories or moments you’ve shared together].

Future: [What do you hope for in the future of your relationship?].

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Career”

#43 AI Prompt: Job Description

Write a clear and concise job description that will attract your ideal candidate. Be sure to include the essential job duties, qualifications, and benefits.

Write a job description for a [Job Title] role at [Company Name].

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What it provides: [Product/services].

Responsibilities: [Main responsibilities and duties].

Qualifications and skills: [Required qualifications and skills].

Desired skills, traits, and qualities: [Desired skills, traits, and qualities].

Company benefits: [Benefits and perks the company offers].

Company’s culture [The company’s work culture and environment].

How to apply: [Deadline for submitting applications, email, phone, etc].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#44 AI Prompt: Rejection Letter

Send a polite and professional rejection letter to candidates who are not selected for the position. Thank them for their interest and let them know that you will keep their resume on file.

Write a Rejection Letter

Candidate’s name: [Candidate’s name].

Candidate’s applied position: [Position].

Company’s name: [Company’s name].

My name: [Your name and position].

Feedback: [Feedback] (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

#45 AI Prompt: Hiring Blurb

Write a compelling hiring blurb that will promote your job opening to potential candidates. Be sure to highlight the benefits of working for your company and the opportunities for growth.

Write a Hiring Blurb

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What It provides:[Product/services].

Responsibilities: [Main responsibilities and duties].

Qualifications and skills: [Required qualifications and skills].

Desired skills, traits, and qualities: [Desired skills, traits, and qualities].

Company benefits: [Benefits and perks the company offers].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

Company’s culture [The company’s work culture and environment].

How to apply: [deadline for submitting applications, email, phone, etc]

#46 AI Prompt: Ask An Expert

Connect with experts in your field by sending them a well-crafted cold message. Be sure to introduce yourself, explain why you are reaching out, and ask a specific question.

Write a message to Ask An Expert

My name: [Name]. 

Receiver’s name: [Name].

My background: [Your background] (optional).

Purpose: [the reason you are reaching out to the expert].

My knowledge: [Demonstrate your understanding of the expert’s field and the specific topics they are knowledgeable about.]. (optional)

Provide context: [Explain why you believe the expert could be helpful in your specific situation, and why your request is relevant to their expertise.]

Offer value: [How the expert can benefit from engaging with you] (optional)

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#47 AI Prompt: Resume

Create a professional and polished resume that highlights your skills and experience. Be sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for.

Write a resume for a job application.

Personal information: [Name, address, phone number, email address, etc.].

Objective: [What are your career goals?].

Education: [List your educational qualifications].

Work experience: [List your work experience and job responsibilities].

Skills: [List your skills and certifications].

References: [Provide a list of references].

#48 AI Prompt: Interview Questions

Prepare a list of well-crafted interview questions that will help you assess a candidate’s skills and fit for the position. Be sure to ask open-ended questions that allow the candidate to elaborate on their answers.

Come up with questions to ask in an interview for a specific job.

Job position: [What position are the interview questions for?].

Role responsibilities: [List the key responsibilities of the job].

Required skills: [What skills are required for the job?].

Personal qualities: [What personal qualities are important for the job?].

Company culture: [What is the company culture like?].

#49 AI Prompt: Reply to Interview

Craft thoughtful and impressive responses to interview questions. Be sure to be specific and provide examples to support your answers.

Write a response to an interview question.

Job position: [What position did you interview for?].

Interviewer name: [What is the name of the interviewer?].

Thank you: [Thank the interviewer for the opportunity to interview].

Follow-up: [Ask if there are any additional steps in the hiring process].

#50 AI Prompt: Job Application Email

Write a professional and engaging job application email that will stand out from the crowd. Be sure to include a clear and concise summary of your skills and experience, as well as a link to your resume.

Write an email to pitch my job application

I need a subject line to stand out.

Name of the company and the role: [Insert the company and the role you’re applying for]

Your information: [Insert your name and contact info]

Reasons you’re applying: [What makes you apply for this role] 

Your competitive advantage: [Reasons why the employer should hire you]

Attached items in the email: [What you include in the email to impress]

A formal and exciting closing 

#51 AI Prompt: LinkedIn About

Write a clear and concise LinkedIn About section that summarizes your professional identity. Be sure to highlight your skills, experience, and accomplishments.

Craft the best “About” section to define my personality and my values.

Write it in [insert your personal tone of voice] tone.

My values/skills: [insert your current role]

My highlight achievements: [insert your defining moments/projects that connect the dots in your career path] 

My life outside of work: [relate your outside passions, and hobbies to your work if you can] 

And give it a punchy tagline. 

#52 AI Prompt: LinkedIn Headline

Write a compelling LinkedIn headline that will grab attention and make you stand out from the crowd. Be sure to include relevant keywords and phrases that will help people find your profile.

Give me an approachable Linkedin headline of fewer than 120 characters. 

Please give me 3 approachable Linkedin headlines of less than 120 characters. 

My current role: [your title]

My biggest achievement: [insert your highlight or best result]

My USP: [what differentiates you from your competitors?]

My life outside work: [a personal touch like “dog mom”] (optional)

Break the parts with vertical bars 

#53 AI Prompt: LinkedIn Post

Compose engaging LinkedIn posts that will share your knowledge and expertise with others. Be sure to use relevant hashtags and keywords to help people find your posts.

Write me a LinkedIn post 

I want to create a post about [your topic].

Give me a hook that is more creative based on this example: [insert a hook into you want to follow]. 

Then outline a post for me following that hook using PAS framework. 

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Case Study”

#54 Case Study Overview

A case study is a great way to showcase the amazing results of your products or services. By sharing a customer success story, you can show potential customers how your product can solve their problems and help them achieve their goals.

Write a Case Study Overview

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).


Company’s background: [Company’s history, founder, etc..]

The problem that the company has to overcome: [Problem].

Achievements: [specific goal/milestone, achievements].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional).

#55 Case Study Problem Statement

The Problem Statement should identify the challenges that your customer was facing before they found your solution. This will help your readers understand the need for your product and how it can help them.

Write a Case Study Problem Statement: [Company/Organization Name]

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What It provide:[Product/services].

Problem: [Problem faced by the company/organization]

Objective: [The main goal of the case study]

Methodology: [Methodology and techniques]

Results: [The outcomes of the solution or strategy implemented? Did it achieve its goals and produce the desired results?]

Conclusion: [Final thoughts on the problem and solution, and its impact on the company/organization].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

#56 Case Study Solution Statement

The Solution Statement should describe how your product helped your customer to solve their problem. This should be a detailed and specific account of how your product was used and how it achieved the desired results.

Write a Case Study Solution Statement

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What It provide:[Product/services].

Problems: [State the problem of the case study].

Company’s solution: [Solution]. 

Outcome: [Result].

Recommendation: [Some recommendation]. (optional)

Methodology: [Method, unique techniques, and approaches that sets your company apart].

References: [References] (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

#57 Case Study Result Statement

The Result Statement should highlight the impressive results that your customer achieved as a result of using your product. This could include increased sales, improved efficiency, or reduced costs.

Write a Case Study Result Statement

Company’s name: [Company/brand name].

Industry: [Industry] (optional).

What It provides: [Product/services].

Problems: [State the problem of the case study].

Company’s solution: [Solution]. 

Outcome: [Result].

Lessons Learned: [Any lessons that can be applied to similar problems in the future]. (optional)

Future Recommendations: [recommendation]. (optional).

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Video”

#58 Intro to a Video Script

  • Generate a captivating script that will bring your product or service to life.
  • This should be clear, concise, and informative.
  • It should also include keywords that people will be searching for.

Write an Intro To A Video Script

Topic: [Brief Overview of Video Topic].

Objective: [Objective of Video].

Key Takeaways: [Key Takeaways].

Preview: [Preview of What Will Be Covered]. (optional)

Hook: [Insert a hook or attention-grabbing statement] (optional)

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

#59 YouTube Video Description

  • Craft a description that will skyrocket the reach of your video and make it go viral.
  • This should be clear, concise, and informative.
  • It should also include keywords that people will be searching for.

Write a Youtube Video Description

Video’s title: [title]

Key Points: [Key takeaways or highlights of the video].

Explain my video: .

CTA: [what do you want from viewers?]

Additional Resources: [additional resources or links related to the video topic]. (optional)

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

#60 YouTube Channel Description

  • Captivate your audience by showcasing your business, products, and services through the YouTube channel description.
  • This should be well-written and informative.
  • It should also give people a good overview of what your channel is all about.

Write a Youtube Channel Description 

Youtube Channel: [Youtube name]

Content: [Summary of the type of content you plan to create]

Posting frequency: [posting frequency]. 

Video topics: [Topic 1], [Topic 2],… 

Unique Value Proposition: [unique value, purposes,..].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

#61 Share the Latest Video on Social Media

  • Get ready to watch your followers soar with your latest video on social media!
  • Share it on all of your social media channels.
  • Use relevant hashtags to get it seen by more people.

Write a post to Share the Latest Video On Social Media

Key takeaway: [key takeaway from the videos, a summary of the content, etc].

Video link: .

Hashtags: [hastags].

Length limit: [Enter a number] words.

Target audience: [Who would most likely read this?] (optional). 

#62 YouTube Video Topic Idea

  • Get inspiration for your next YouTube video!
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What do you know a lot about?
  • What do you think people would be interested in watching?

Come up with a topic idea for a YouTube video.

Niche/Industry: [What is the niche or industry for the YouTube video?].

Audience: [Who is the target audience for the video?].

Content: [What is the content of the video?].

Length limit: [Enter the desired length of the video in minutes or seconds.].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want]. 

#63 TikTok Tutorial Video

  • A detailed script is the next step to your millions-view video.
  • What will you teach people?
  • How will you make it easy to follow along?
  • How will you keep people engaged?

Write a how-to video script 

Topic: [Brief overview of what tutorial you are giving to viewers]

Objective: [Purpose of the video, for example: Sell your service/solution.]

Hook: [What values shall viewers receive from the video]

How to: [Step-by-step process]

Target audience: [Who would most likely watch this tutorial video?]

Call to action: [What do you want the viewers to do after watching your tutorial?

For example: Add a product from Tik Tok Shop to the cart.

#64 Music Video Script

  • Craft a top-trending MV script in a matter of seconds.
  • What is the story you want to tell?
  • Who are the characters?
  • What is the setting?
  • What is the song about?

I need a beautiful script for my Music Video

Title: [provide the title of the Music Video]

Video theme: [identify the theme of the Music Video]

Music genre: [provide the genre of the song]

Music theme: [identify the main theme of the song]

Characters: [provide a short brief about the protagonists of the music video]

Length: [how long do you want your video to be] 

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Improve Content”

#65 Text Summary

  • Quickly grasp the main points of any text.
  • This is a great way to save time and get the gist of a long article or blog post.

Summarize a piece of text in a given length.

Original text: [What is the text that needs to be summarized?]

Summary length: [Enter the desired length of the summary in words or sentences].

Purpose: [What is the purpose of the summary? E.g. to provide an overview, to highlight key points, etc.]

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want]. 

#66 Content Improve

  • Improve your content and make it more engaging and effective.
  • This includes things like adding more detail, using stronger verbs, and making sure your writing is clear and concise.

Provide suggestions to improve the quality and effectiveness of a given piece of content.

Original content: [What is the content that needs to be improved? E.g. blog post, article, etc.].

Goal: [What is the goal of the content? E.g. to inform, entertain, persuade, etc.].

Target audience: [Who is the target audience for the content?].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want]. 

#67 Sentence Expander

  • Make your writing more descriptive and engaging by expanding your sentences.
  • This is a great way to add more detail and interest to your writing.

Expand a given sentence to make it more descriptive.

Sentence: [Enter the sentence that needs to be expanded].

Additional Details: [Provide any additional details or information that could be added to the sentence]. (optional)

Length Limit: [Enter the desired length of the expanded sentence in words].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want]. 

#68 Paraphrase Content

  • Create unique and original content quickly and easily by paraphrasing existing content.
  • This is a great way to get started on a new writing project or to improve your writing skills.

Paraphrase a given piece of text to make it unique and original.

Original content: [What is the content that needs to be paraphrased?].

Purpose: [What is the purpose of the paraphrasing? E.g. to avoid plagiarism, to simplify language, etc.].

Length limit: [Enter the desired length of the paraphrased content in words.

#69 Grammar and Syntax Edit

  • Never let a grammar mistake or typo slip through ever again!
  • This tool can help you catch and correct errors in your writing so that you can produce professional-quality content.

Help me find and edit any grammar or syntax errors in this text.

Polish the following text with [insert your preferred tone. (E.g: formal)] Tone: 

[Insert your text here] 

A.I. Prompts for “Marketing”

#70 Product Description

  • Write a clear and persuasive description that highlights the benefits of your product or service.
  • This should be easy to understand and should make people want to learn more.

Write a compelling description of a product or service.

Product: [What is the product being described?].

Features: [What are the main features of the product?].

Benefits: [What are the main benefits of the product?].

Target audience: [Who is the target audience for the product?].

Length limit: [Enter the desired length of the product description in words or characters, depending on the platform.].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want].

#71 Slogan Generator

  • Create a memorable and impactful slogan that will help people remember your brand.
  • This should be short, catchy, and relevant to your product or service.

Generate a catchy slogan for a product or brand.

Product/Service: [What product or service is the slogan for?].

Audience: [Who is the target audience for the slogan?].

Tone: [What tone should the slogan convey? E.g. playful, serious, etc.].

Keywords: [Enter a few keywords related to the product or service]. 

#72 FAQs

  • Make it easy for your customers to find the information they need by creating a comprehensive FAQ section.
  • This should answer common questions that people have about your product or service.

Write a set of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for a product or service.

Topic: [What is the topic of the FAQs? E.g. product, service, company, etc.].

#73 Pros & Cons

  • Pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your product or service so that people can make an informed decision about whether or not to buy it.
  • This should be honest and objective, and it should not be too biased in either direction.

Write pros and cons for


Product/Service: [What is the product or service being reviewed?].

Pros: [List the pros or positive aspects of the product/service]. (optional)

Cons: [List the cons or negative aspects of the product/service]. (optional)

Overall assessment: [Provide an overall assessment of the product/service].

#74 Product Review

  • Give your audience a precise and informative review of your product or service.
  • This should be honest and unbiased, and it should highlight both the pros and cons of the product.

Write a review for a product or service.

Product: [What product are you reviewing?].

Features: [List the key features of the product]. (optional)

Benefits: [What are the benefits of using the product?]. (optional)

User experience: [What was your experience using the product?]. (optional)

Recommendation: [Would you recommend this product to others?]. (optional)

#75 Sales Copy

  • Write a persuasive sales copy that convinces your audience to take action.
  • This should focus on the benefits of your product or service and should make people want to buy it right away.

Write a sales copy to promote a product or service.

Product/Service: [What product or service are you selling?].

Benefits: [What are the benefits of using the product or service?].

Call-to-action: [What action do you want the reader to take? E.g. buy now, schedule a demo, etc.]. (optional)

Tone: [What tone should the sales copy convey? E.g. urgent, persuasive, etc.].

#76 Unique Value Proposition

  • Highlight the key benefit of your product or service that sets it apart from the competition.
  • This should be something that is unique and valuable to your target audience.

Write a copy that emphasizes the unique value of a product or service.

Product/Service: [What product or service are you offering?].

Unique Value: [What is the unique value or benefit that your product or service provides?]. (optional)

Target Market: [Who is your target market?]. (optional)

Competition: [How does your product or service differ from the competition?]. (optional)

Length Limit: [Enter the desired length of the copy in words].

Writing Style and Tone: [Choose from a list of writing styles and tones].

#77 Before After Bridge Copy

  • Show the transformation that your product or service can bring.
  • This can be a powerful way to persuade people to buy your product.

Write a copy that bridges the “before” and “after” state of using a product or service.

Product/Service: [What is the product being described?]

Problem: [What problem is the customer trying to solve?]. (optional)

Solution: [What is the solution to the problem?]. (optional)

Result: [What results can the customer expect from using the solution?]. (optional)

Call to Action: [What is the call-to-action to get the customer to take the next step?]. (optional)

Length Limit: [Enter the desired length of the copy in words].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want].

#78 Press Release

  • Get the word out about your latest news and events by issuing a press release.
  • This should be clear, concise, and informative, and it should be well-written.

Write a press release for a company or organization.

Company/Organization: [Name of the company or organization issuing the press release].

News/Announcement: [What is the news or announcement that the press release is about?].

Key Points: [What are the most important points to convey in the press release?].

Contact Information: [Who should the press contact for more information?].

Length Limit: [Enter the desired length of the press release in words].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want].

#79 AIDA Framework

  • Create persuasive and effective copy that follows the AIDA framework.
  • This framework stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, and it is a proven way to write copy that gets results.

Write a copy that follows the AIDA framework to create a persuasive message.

Product/Service: [What product or service are you offering?].

Attention: [How will you capture the reader’s attention?]. (optional)

Interest: [What will you do to keep the reader interested?]. (optional)

Desire: [How will you create a desire for your product or service?]. (optional)

Call-to-Action (CTA): [What is the call-to-action to get the reader to take the next step?]. (optional)

Length Limit: [Enter the desired length of the copy in words]. (optional)

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want]. (optional)

#80 Marketing Strategy Template

  • Turn prospects into customers with a detailed marketing strategy template.
  • This template will help you plan your marketing campaigns and track your results.

Suggest a marketing strategy for my brand.

Product/Service: [What product or service are you offering?]

Target audience: [Your ideal customers] 

Customer’s insight: [Your customer’s needs, preferences, and behavior]

Objectives: [What you want to achieve via this marketing strategy]

Budget: [How much you are willing to spend?]

Competitors: [What are their strengths and weaknesses?]

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Social Media”

#81 Instagram Posting Schedule

  • Create a strategic posting schedule that maximizes engagement on your Instagram account.
  • This should take into account factors such as your target audience, the type of content you post, and the time of day you post.

Create a posting schedule for my Instagram account

Target audience: [Who would most likely visit this account?].

Topic: [Main topic of the account].

Number of posts per month: [The number of posts you can produce for 1 month].

Content strategy: [Images, Rolls, IGTV, or all?].

Visual Identity:[your logo, typography, color palette, overall aesthetic] (optional).

Instagram performance:[how long has the channel been created, and how well the content is currently doing?] (optional).

The posting schedule is created in table form. With specific dates of week and days. 

#82 Instagram Content Idea Generator

  • Generate 10 unique content ideas that showcase your brand’s personality and keep your followers engaged.
  • This could include photos, videos, stories, or even polls and quizzes.

Create 10 content ideas for Instagram posts

Type of content: [images, reels igtv]

Target audience: [Who would most likely see this post?].

Topic: [Main topic of the account].

Visual Identity:[your logo, typography, color palette, overall aesthetic] (optional).

After the 10th idea, please provide a list of 30 hashtags written in a single line separated with a space character. 80% of hashtags should be long-tail and 20% should be high-volume hashtags. Do not include any @mentions.

#83 Instagram Caption

  • Write authentic and relatable captions that reflect your brand’s voice and captivate your followers.
  • This is a great opportunity to share more information about your product or service, or to simply connect with your audience on a personal level.

Write 3 Instagram captions 

Type of content: [images, reels igtv]

Target audience: [Who would most likely see this post?].

Content: [Content of the post].

After the 3rd caption, please provide a list of 30 hashtags written in a single line separated by a space character. 80% of hashtags should be long-tail and 20% should be high-volume hashtags. Do not include any @mentions. 

#84 Instagram Ad Hook

  • Create strategic hooks that resonate with your target audience and maximize your ad spend.
  • This could involve using humor, curiosity, or a sense of urgency to get people’s attention.

Write a list of 10 potential Instagram ads hook

Product or service information: [detail of what you want to promote: name, product description, USP,…].

Ad format: [a video ad, image ad, or carousel ad?].

Target audience: [Who would most likely see this ad?].

Ad goals: [increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or increase sales?]

Branding assets: [logos, color schemes, and fonts,..] (optional).

Competitor analysis: [who are your competitors? What are they doing?] (optional).

#85 Instagram Ad Idea Generator

  • Generate 10 ad ideas for any product on Instagram to maximize your ad spend.
  • This tool will help you create ads that are relevant to your target audience and that are likely to get results.

Generate a list of 10 attention-grabbing ad ideas for Instagram

Product or service information: [detail of what you want to promote: name, product description, USP,…].

Ad format: [a video ad, image ad, or carousel ad?].

Target audience: [Who would most likely see this ad?].

Ad goals: [increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or increase sales?]

Budget: [How much would you like to spend on this ad?].

Branding assets: [logos, color schemes, and fonts,..] (optional).

Competitor analysis: [who are your competitors? What are they doing?] (optional). 

#86 Identifying The Target Audience

  • Understand your audience demographics and behavior to maximize your Instagram engagement.
  • This will help you create content that they are interested in and that they are likely to see.

Identify the target audience of an Instagram account:

Name of the account: [Enter the Instagram Account Name]

Content topic: [What’s the content topic of the account?]

Goals and objective: [goals and objective of your account]

Demographic: [Follower’s demographic] (optional)

Behavior: [what types of social media they use, what type of content they engage with, and what times of day they are most active.] (optional)

From the above information, in table form, create a precise and specific description of this account’s target audience. 

#87 Instagram Post Design Ideas

  • Capture your audience’s attention with stunning visuals and on-point messaging.
  • This means using high-quality images, videos and writing captions that are clear, concise, and engaging.

Come up with a list of design ideas for an Instagram post: 

Post’s Topic: [topic of the post]

Product or Service Information: [detail of what you want to promote: name, product description, USP,…].

Content Format: [an image, or a carousel?].

Target Audience: [Who do you want to reach with this post].

Goals: [The goal of the post]

Branding Assets: [logos, color schemes, and fonts,..] 

Remember to give reasonings for each of the design ideas.

ChatGPT Generative AI Prompts for “Miscellaneous AI Prompts”

#88 Prompt Generation

  • Write prompts that are tailored to your specific goals and interests.
  • This will help you get the most out of the prompt generation tool.

Generate a prompt.

Goal: [What do you want to achieve with the prompt? Eg: writing a blog, analyzing a text,..].

Prompt context: [Provide a brief context or situation where the prompt will be used].

Example prompt: [Provide an example of a prompt that you would like your generated prompts to be similar to].

#89 Real Estate Listing

  • Create a detailed and compelling real estate listing that will attract potential buyers.
  • This should include information about the property, such as the location, size, and amenities.

Write a listing for a real estate property.

Property: [What is the property being listed?].

Features: [List the key features of the property].

Location: [Describe the location of the property].

Amenities: [List any amenities or special features of the property].

Contact information: [Provide contact information for the seller or real estate agent].

#90 Sports Report

  • Cover the latest sports news and events in seconds.
  • This could include scores, highlights, and analysis.

Write a report on a sports event or game.

Event: [What is the sports event being reported on?].

Teams/Players: [Who are the teams or players involved in the event?].

Key moments: [What were the key moments of the event?].

Length limit: [Enter the desired length of the report in words.].

Writing style and tone: [Choose writing styles and tones you would want].

#91 Midjourney Prompt

  • Use your text to bring images to life.
  • This is a great way to create custom images for your projects.

Generate a prompt for MidJourney, a text-to-image AI

Image:[image you want], 

Descriptive keywords: [How would you like to describe the image] (optional)

Photographic style: [Describe the photographic style]. (optional)

Tone: [describe the tone you want in the results]. (optional)

Object: [identify the main object in the image] 

Action: [describe what the object is doing, or what you want it to do?] (optional)

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are the answers to your list of questions:

What are some good AI prompts?

Good AI prompts can vary depending on the specific task or application. Here are a few examples:
– “Write a short story about a time-traveling detective solving a mysterious crime.”
– “Generate a piece of music in the style of Mozart.”
– “Design a new type of car that is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.”

What is a good prompt for AI art?

A good prompt for AI art can be specific or open-ended, depending on the desired outcome. Here’s an example:
– “Create a digital painting inspired by the concept of love and unity.”

How do you write prompts for generative AI?

When writing prompts for generative AI, it’s important to be clear and specific about the desired output. Provide any necessary instructions or constraints to guide the AI model’s generation process.

What is the best AI prompt generator?

There are several AI prompt generators available, and the choice of the “best” one depends on personal preference and specific needs. Some popular AI prompt generators include ChatGPT, GPT-3, and EleutherAI’s GPT-Neo.

What are the 5 big ideas of AI?

The 5 big ideas of AI, as proposed by Andrew Ng, are as follows:
1. Data: The importance of large and diverse datasets for training AI models.
2. Algorithms: Developing effective algorithms to make sense of the data.
3. Compute: Utilizing increasingly powerful computational resources to train and run AI models.
4. Human-Computer Interaction: Creating seamless interfaces and interactions between humans and AI systems.
5. Societal Impact: Considering the ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI technology.

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